Top-level government officials’ financial assets, including: name of top-level government officials, title, investment information, prior and current business relationships, real estate interests, and personal income (including gifts and travel or speaking payments). (More info)
Data Location
Contains top level employee's salaries only. No other info on top-level government officials, like investment information, prior and current business relationships, real estate interests, and personal income (including gifts and travel or speaking payments). Not sure what 'top-level' covers in the description, or if all this data should be disclosed for non-elected city officials. Other cities in the census that have responded yes don't disclose all this either.
This online data set does not include the data required in the description:
"Top-level government officials’ financial assets, including: name of top-level government officials, title, investment information, prior and current business relationships, real estate interests, and personal income (including gifts and travel or speaking payments)."
Not sure if all of this even exists in one place in digital or non-digital formats for any US city government's employees.
Reviewer comments
No changes. Still think no city in the US meets the requirements of this data set.
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | Unknown |
Reviewer | Michael Schnuerle |
Submitters | Michael Schnuerle |
Last modified | Wed Jan 11 2017 17:29:15 GMT+0000 (UTC) |