Dayton, OH / 2013

This is the overview page where you can see the state of open data across each key dataset.

Dataset Score Breakdown Last Updated Location (URL) Information
Asset Disclosure   - Closed
Budget   - Closed
Business Listings   - Closed
Campaign Finance Contributions   - Closed
Code Enforcement Violations   - Closed
Construction Permits   - Closed
Crime   - Closed
Lobbyist Activity   - Closed
Parcels   - Closed
Procurement Contracts   - Closed
Property Assessment   - Closed
Property Deeds   - Closed
Public Buildings   - Closed
Restaurant Inspections   - Closed
Service Requests (311)   - Closed
Spending   - Closed
Transit   - Closed
Zoning (GIS)   - Closed
Web Analytics   - Closed
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Reviewers for Dayton, OH:

With submissions from: