Amount contributed to each candidate and by whom. (More info)

Data Location


The data is excellent and comprehensive. It goes back quite a ways. It is most friendly to users who want to search by candidate because there is a exhaustive drop-down menu of all office holders. The campaign donor results (once an office-holder is selected) are listed alphabetically (also useful). Searching by an individual contributor may be more difficult, but if you know what you're looking for in advance, the search should be easy.

KB 2016: Data and link validated.

Reviewer comments

Data available through web search with option to download results as xls.

Marked copyright City of LA 2017.

Data Availability

  • ? Openly licensed
  • Y Is the data available for free
  • Y Is the data machine readable
  • Y Is the data provided on a timely and up to date basis
  • ? Available in bulk
  • Y Publicly available
  • Y Is the data available online
  • Y Does the data exist
  • Y Is data in digital form
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure
  • No data


Date the data became available   Unknown
Format of data   Excel (xls), HTML
Reviewer   Vyki Englert
Submitters   Benjamin Lempert
Last modified   Wed Jul 12 2017 21:57:13 GMT+0000 (UTC)