A directory of all licensed businesses in the municipal area, including key information such as: name, address, contact information, business type. (More info)
Data Location
The "names" of businesses often appear to be conflated with the names of business owners. Frequently there is no "Doing Business As (DBA)" name at all. "Active business" is defined as "a registered business whose owner has not notified the Office of Finance of a cease of business operations." This seem problematic for housekeeping purposes if many businesses never bother to notify the Office of Finance or the City in general.
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | 5/21/2014 |
Format of data | CSV, JSON, PDF, RDF, RSS, XLS, XLSX, XML |
Reviewer | Brett Shears |
Submitters | Brett Shears |
Last modified | Tue Jun 10 2014 22:38:42 GMT+0000 (UTC) |