City crime report data, preferably at a reasonably disaggregated level. (More info)
Data Location
--- Note about method for evaluation: When responding to the questions I leveraged the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website for the county (DUVAL) in answering the questions as it's an official govt source and should include the beaches areas (not included in JSO) of the City of Jacksonville. However, in a response from "" on 10/13/2016 they don't receive data from local agencies at that level of detail and also confirmed that the data is "Open to the Public" but must cite them as the source. I marked openly licensed as unknown because it requires a URL if you mark yes.
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office (JSO) portal for crime statistics and mapping
It's a great first stop offering details on data resources, consideration of crime statistics with other data compliments to help interpret and make valid assessments of crime. It also provides disclaimers on the data and 3rd party agency mapping tools. It even offers quick links by zone for view information for each area.
In terms of the data it seems there are 3 main areas:
1. Mapping Tool
This is the closest resource to granular date and location based crime incidents. JSO provides crime data to this 3rd party. The biggest thing that sticks out is the mention from JSO that "This information is not intended to be used as official crime data. This program does not provide information about all reported crimes, and excludes specific incidents such as sexual assaults and child abuse." As a result the mapping tool can not be used as it's not an official 3rd party representing JSO.
2. FBI Uniform Crime Statistics Site
-- upon review it appears you get SUMMARY statistics but not the raw data for the city of Jacksonville. There are limitations on the summary data but that is outside the scope of this exercise if it's not the raw data.
3. Florida Department of Law Enforcement Website
Additional Link for Duval County:
-- upon review it appears you get SUMMARY statistics but not the raw data for the city of Jacksonville. They do have additional mash ups and formats but it's all aggregated counts by county or by offense or arrest type. For more information on the data collection method see:
4. Completed Dispatched Calls for Service
Upon further investigation this is a forth source for information that has a huge page of recently completed dispatched calls for service with some components of the preferred data fields for crime stats and is commingled with other crime data
Again this data has a disclaimer -> "This information is not intended to be used as official crime data. This program does not provide information about all crimes, and excludes specific incidents such as sexual assaults and child abuse."
Opportunities for working with the JSO on information exchange with citizens
Sheriff's advisory council (ShAdCo) --- link:
Transparency Task Force --- link:
Additional Data Source and Notes
- sexual offender list
10/13/2016 - I have a request outstanding the to the state of Florida UCR and FSAC teams on detailed data.
Reviewer comments
Submitted and approved by the same person. Another party should review the submission in the near future.
Data Availability
- Yes
- No
- Unsure
- No data
Date the data became available | Unknown |
Format of data | Excel |
Reviewer | Brandon Warner |
Submitters | Brandon Warner |
Last modified | Thu Oct 13 2016 14:21:19 GMT+0000 (UTC) |